In a remarkable initiative towards job creation and youth empowerment, Prime Minister Narendra Modi presided over the distribution of more than 51,000 appointment letters to newly recruited individuals. This significant event, known as the ‘Rozgar Mela,’ was held across 37 locations throughout the country. The recruitment drive extended to various central government departments, as well as states and Union Territories supporting this commendable initiative.
Recruits from diverse regions of the nation secured positions in multiple government departments, including railways, postal services, home affairs, revenue, higher education, school education and literacy, health, and family welfare, among others. This broad-spectrum approach to employment generation demonstrates the government’s commitment to prioritize job creation and foster meaningful opportunities for the youth, enabling them to actively participate in national development.
Prime Minister Modi launched the ‘Rozgar Mela’ campaign on October 22 of the preceding year, aiming to provide ten lakh government jobs. This visionary undertaking has since gained substantial momentum, and according to Union Minister BL Verma, the government has already handed out job letters to 5.5 lakh deserving youth since its inception.

In August of the current year, Verma presented appointment letters to 250 candidates who were among the 1,000 selected for various positions in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs), which include prestigious entities like BSF, CRPF, CISF, SSB, and ITBP. The ‘Rozgar Mela’ scheme constitutes an integral part of the government’s relentless efforts to alleviate unemployment challenges in the nation.
Notably, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has been actively involved in recruiting personnel for a wide array of CAPFs, encompassing CRPF, BSF, SSB, Assam Rifles, CISF, ITBP, and the Narcotics Control Bureau, in addition to the Delhi Police. Through this concerted effort, the MHA has successfully filled approximately one lakh job positions via the Mission Recruitment, with around 87,000 of those roles being absorbed by the CAPFs. This groundbreaking approach is not only a significant milestone in addressing the issue of unemployment but also a testament to the government’s unwavering commitment to the betterment of the nation’s youth and the broader workforce.
In a time when job creation and employment opportunities are more crucial than ever, the ‘Rozgar Mela’ initiative stands as a beacon of hope and a catalyst for the nation’s progress. It exemplifies the government’s dedication to empower the youth, reduce unemployment, and foster economic growth. This endeavor is a testament to the transformative impact that well-executed employment programs can have on the nation’s future.

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